Concrete Investments in Cyber Security – Priority of Albania and Strategic Partners


The first day of the 3-day “Senior Policymaker Cyber Strategy Planning” seminar took place today, which is organized by the NAECCS in cooperation with the US Department of State and MITER Corporation.

The purpose of the 3-day workshop is to finalize the development of the framework of a National Strategy on Cyber Security, which includes the drafting of policy goals, the identification of supporting initiatives for each goal, the identification of actors for each initiative, and recommendations for challenges and overcoming them for the implementation of activities.

The activity was opened by the Ambassador of the United States of America in Tirana SHTZ Yuri Kim, who in her speech emphasized the support of the United States of America towards Albania for increasing the level of cyber security. Specifically, she said: “We have been and will continue to be here to support you in your challenges.”

Also, she specified the financial support of the American State Department in relation to addressing some of Albania’s needs in the field of cyber security.

Then, the General Director of the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cyber Security, at the same time National Coordinator for Cyber Security Mr. Igli Tafa, thanked the US Department of State, the US Embassy in Tirana and MITER Corporation for organizing the seminar.

Also, the general director of NAECCS presented the new strategic vision of the Authority, which is based on 5 main pillars, as well as expressed the commitment of Albanian institutions for coordination and cooperation in creating a safe cyber environment. In this context, the general director of the Authority also highlighted the need for cooperation with national and international strategic partners to strengthen cyber stability in the country.

At the end of his speech, the general director of NAECCS invited the participants to the conference “Challenges of cyber security in Albania”, which takes place on February 7, within the framework of the International Safe Internet Day. The conference proves the Government’s commitments to increase and strengthen cyber security, through the establishment of mechanisms and inclusiveness in cyber governance, based on the principle of “Confidence Building”.

In the same line, the Director General of the National Agency of Information Society, Mrs. Mirlinda Karçanaj, expressed her gratitude to all the institutions of the United States of America as well as the Microsoft company for the continuous and active support in the response to cyber incidents. that targeted government information infrastructures. She also emphasized the need for cooperation of all actors with NAECCS to coordinate work and respond to potential incidents.

Afterwards, the workshop, led by MITER Corporation, focused on the role of each security and defense institution in designing security strategies and policies for managing cyber security issues, as well as aligning strategic plans with best practices of the US.

Cyber incident management – the handling process for critical infrastructures ​